Disclosure Policy

1. Basic Policy for Disclosure

The basic policy of U-NEXT HOLDINGS (the Company) is to disclose timely and appropriate information with fairness to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors.
The Company contributes to the increase of corporate value through transparent and reliable information disclosure.

2. Method for Disclosing Information

The Company stipulates that the Company Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for information handling. The Company has a system in place for the timely and appropriate disclosure of information in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the timely disclosure regulations stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The Company discloses the information subject to the timely disclosure regulations on the Tokyo Stock Exchange website through the timely disclosure network (TDnet).
The released information, as well as the information that is not subject to the timely disclosure regulations, will be uploaded to the Company's IR website to inform stakeholders accurately and equally.

Timely Disclosure System

Timely Disclosure System

3. Investor Relations Activities

Our primary goal is to build relationships of trust with our shareholders and investors. So, we are working to enhance our investor relations (IR) activities.
The CFO and members of the investor relations team are actively involved in discussions with domestic and international shareholders, investors, and analysts.
We are enhancing our English-language disclosure and posting integrated reports and materials for new investors on our IR website to ensure a proper evaluation of our corporate value.
We use the feedback received from investors to further strengthen our IR and business activities, thereby enhancing our corporate value.

4. Inquiries

Please submit your question regarding investor information using the form below.


5. Quiet Period

To prevent the leakage of important corporate information and ensure fairness, we have a quiet period "from three weeks before the earnings release day to the earnings release day."
In this period, the Company refrains from answering questions regarding financial results.
However, this does not apply to inquiries about facts that have already been announced, or the occurrence of material events that we believe will have a significant impact on the investment decisions of investors, even during this period.